CONCORD, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — Commissioners in Cabarrus County are divided over a newly hired county manager, some arguing Monday night that information about the candidate, Sean Newton, was kept from the public during the selection process.
It was revealed last week that Board Chair Christopher Measmer had pursued a business venture with Newton back in 2016. On Monday, Measmer dismissed accusations of ethics violations.
“The opportunity fizzled out, we dissolved the LLC, and there was never a dime made between myself or Mr. Newton,” he said.
While reading from a prepared statement, Measmer stood by the county’s hire.
“I’m aware of Mr. Newton’s business acumen, work ethic, and can be trusted, and we need somebody in this position that we can trust that is ultimately going to look out for the taxpayers of this county, just as I’ve done as the elected county commissioner,” he added.
County Commissioner Kenneth Wortman told his fellow commissioners they had lost his trust. Wortman had originally supported the hire because he had not been made aware of Measmer’s relationship with Newton. During the meeting, Wortman moved to rescind Newton’s employment contract.
“So that we can open the process up again nationally and have a third party hire our county manager so that taxpayers can have trust in this process again because I don’t even trust it,” said Wortman.
But he failed to secure enough votes. Most commissioners argued Newton’s previous business relationships should not tarnish his qualifications.
“He is going to work on behalf of the taxpayers who have been left out this entire time because it has been nothing but government increase and spending,” said Commissioner Laura Blackwell Lindsey.
When speaking with reporters after the meeting, Wortman acknowledged no further action can be taken but called on residents who shared his position to speak up at future commission meetings.