GREAT FALLS, S.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — The Great Falls City Council will have a new leader soon after Mayor Josh Brantley suddenly resigned Thursday. Some council members were shocked, while others say they weren’t surprised.
Brantley and a few council members of the Chester County community didn’t always see eye to eye when it came to his vision for the city. He was elected to the position in April 2022.
“It disheartened me that he resigned,” said Great Falls Councilman William Gonzalez. He’s been on the council for almost a year.
Gonzalez hoped the news wasn’t true that Brantley was stepping down. They didn’t always agree, but the councilman believes there was an opportunity to resolve issues with the mayor.
Gonzalez says he didn’t even get a courtesy call.
“No, it was another council member,” Gonzalez said. He says another member called him about it.
And to Gonzalez’s knowledge, no other council members were notified either.
But Brantley disputes that claim.
“That’s a lie because I told Craig… Tiffany Craig, I told Councilwoman Worthy, who is mayor pro tem and will be taking the reins now. And I told Monica Eagle,” Brantley told Queen City News over the phone. “I told the members of council who communicate with me.”
Mayor Pro Tem Keevi Worthy and Councilwoman Tiffany Craig confirm they spoke with Brantley about his decision.
Craig sent QCN a text message, saying, “Josh was always professional and represented Great Falls in a professional manner.”
Brantley’s letter to the city says he says he left because he couldn’t “financially continue to support the town in the way that I have over the past 2.5 years as the mayor. I do not want to put you on the back burner, so I find it in my best interest to resign my position in hopes that someone will step up and take over and be able to put their all into it as I have done.”
In December, Councilman Brandon McManus alleged Brantley stole more than $1,400 from the town’s general fund. He accused Brantley of writing two checks out to himself.
Brantley denied the accusations, saying the money was a reimbursement of expenses out of his own pocket.
Gonzalez says he’s hoping for better council oversight and transparency moving forward.

“We’re pushing forward and we have some direction in terms of what we want to count in the future,” Gonzalez said. “And I think the comprehensive planning is probably the best direction that we can head in. And just the county’s going to support it. And I believe locally, people are going to be embracing it.”
There will be a special election on April 22 to determine the new mayor.
Councilwoman Tiffany Craig’s statement on Brantley, in part:
His family put their WHOLE HEART in this town. Josh was always professional and represented Great Falls in a well professional manner. He has a heart of gold for people and especially children. The way he has been treated and disrespected is very poor behavior and shouldn’t have to be tolerated by anyone. He has stayed longer than most would have. He definitely deserves better. People should be ashamed of their behavior towards him. I will say in my years of doing business in this town I have not seen one mayor that cared, and it showed as much, as he and his family did. Has he made mistakes I’m sure, we’re human, we all do but for the most part he always tried to do his best and that is what matters.
Tiffany Craig
Mayor Pro Tem Keevi Worthy:
“I pray we can all move forward and do what is best for the town, and I wish Mayor Brantley the best and thank him for his service.”