A tragic incident unfolded on Monday evening, January 6, when a 15-year-old male died after reportedly stealing a Sandy Springs Police Department patrol vehicle and leading deputies on a tense encounter near South Forsyth High School in Forsyth County, Georgia.
The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office received a report shortly before 7 p.m. that a Sandy Springs police vehicle had been stolen from the driveway of an officer’s home in Forsyth County while the officer was away. The situation escalated rapidly as deputies were dispatched to locate the stolen car.
At approximately 7:11 p.m., deputies identified the stolen vehicle traveling on Peachtree Parkway near Sharon Road. To prevent further risk to the public, deputies initiated a “box-in” maneuver to stop the car near South Forsyth High School. During the maneuver, the stolen vehicle collided with the rear of a marked Forsyth County patrol car.
Teen Dies After Stealing Police Vehicle in Forsyth County
When deputies approached the vehicle, they discovered the driver unresponsive and bleeding from the head. Immediate life-saving measures were administered after the driver was removed from the car. However, despite efforts, the 15-year-old was transported by Central EMS to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Authorities later identified the teenager as a family member of the Sandy Springs officer whose vehicle had been stolen.
The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit has launched a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. The Sandy Springs Police Department is fully cooperating with the investigation.
Sheriff Ron Freeman expressed his condolences, stating, “This is a heartbreaking and tragic situation for everyone involved. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family as we work to understand what led to this tragic outcome.” No further details about the incident have been released as investigators continue to piece together the sequence of events. Questions remain about how the teenager accessed the police vehicle and what led to the fatal conclusion
The post Forsyth County Suicide: Teen, 15, Died After Stealing Police Vehicle, Chase in Forsyth County, GA first appeared on Trusted and Verified USA News.