Dumont Train Suicide, Cause – According to the people who say the accident happened, a man was killed when he was hit by a train in Dumont on Monday morning. The event took place. The thing that happened did happen. This event took place near the town of Dumont. The event that was supposed to happen didn’t happen until very early in the morning. It didn’t really happen until after that. Chief Brian Joyce of the Dumont Police Department said that a person who had been hurt in an accident with a northbound CSX train was found between West Madison Avenue and New Milford Avenue. The train was going in the direction of going northboard. As a general rule, the train was going north, which is also known as the northward road.
It was already 42 years old when the body of the dead person was found, which means that he had already hit that age. The people who were hit by the car were the ones who caused the accident. When police arrived at the scene of the crime on that particular day, it was around 6:30 in the morning. When Joyce looked at it, she was sure it was important because it seemed to be related to a suicide in some way. Not only did the CSX Police Department help with the investigation, but also the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office helped with the reaction to the incident. These two government bodies both offered to help. Each of these groups was involved in the study at some point.
The Dumont Police Department put out an official news release in which they sent their condolences to the family of the person who did the terrible thing. Anyone in New Jersey who is having problems with sadness or who is thinking about ending their own life can call the New Jersey Hopeline, which is also known as the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Call 988. These problems can be talked about with the Hopeline, which can be reached by calling them.