A heartbreaking tragedy unfolded in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood on January 16, 2025, when 19-year-old Belinda Fuentes lost her life to gun violence.
The incident occurred on the 2000 block of West 47th Street, where Belinda was shot 13 times near 47th and Damen. Despite the swift response of emergency personnel, her injuries were too severe, and she was pronounced dead at the scene.
Belinda’s family and friends are grappling with an unimaginable loss. They remember her as a vibrant young woman filled with dreams and aspirations.
Known for her kindness and determination, she envisioned a future where she could build a better life, including plans to get married and move abroad. Her family described her as a beacon of hope who stood firmly against gun violence and detested anything that promoted it.
Her untimely death has left her family shattered. Belinda leaves behind her parents, a sister, and two younger brothers, all of whom are struggling to come to terms with this senseless act of violence. “She was our shining star,” her family said, emphasizing the deep void her absence has created.
Belinda Fuentes GoFundMe
A GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family with funeral expenses and to honor Belinda’s memory. The family is urging the community to stand united against gun violence, calling for justice and lasting change to prevent more lives from being lost too soon. Police are actively investigating the incident and encouraging anyone with information to come forward
The post Belinda Fuentes Chicago IL Shooting, Death; 19-Year-Old Chicago IL Teenager Died after 13 Times Gunshots Near 47th and Damen first appeared on Trusted and Verified USA News.