Anu Okusanya Death: Anu Okusanya, a resident of Newry, regrettably passed away following a devastating incidence that has left the community in a state of distress. Anu’s unexpected departure has resulted in an outpouring of sorrow and support for her family, notably her son, Olaitan, who was scheduled to come in Newry on September 12 to begin a new life with his mother. She had been residing in Newry for 15 months. On Wednesday, August 24, Anu attempted to raise the alarm after she observed a gang, who had previously assaulted her twice, assaulting a person on her usual route home in Damolly Village. Consequently, she passed away.
She fled to the residence of a friend in search of assistance; however, she tragically succumbed upon her arrival and passed away the following Sunday. The Newry Reporter has organised a fundraiser to help cover the costs of Anu’s funeral, which includes the installation of a memorial. The remaining funds will be utilised to ensure that Olaitan has the most favourable start to his new existence in Newry. The community has generously contributed £420 towards the £1,000 goal, which has been achieved thus far.Numerous members of the community have publicly conveyed their grief via social media.
Shivvy MacAoidh expressed her grief, stating, “Very sad and horrific, that a gang of thugs are terrorising honest, hard-working people who live in this area!” Pauline Counsell also expressed her sorrow, stating, “Absolutely heart-breaking.” Jackie McBennett also expressed her disgust at the behaviour, stating, “Shameful and disgusting!” This impoverished woman.” As the community mourns this devastating loss, we offer our most sincere condolences to Anu’s family. May she rest in peace, and may her loved ones find solace and fortitude during this exceedingly trying period. Our thoughts and sympathies are with Anu’s family, particularly Olaitan, as they navigate this devastating period.