Allen Stanton Obituary – It is with great sadness that we must tell you of the passing of a member of the HCSO family. We would like to use this opportunity to express our condolences to you. The news has caused us to feel an overwhelming sense of bereavement. At this present time, each and every one of our hearts is experiencing a great degree of suffering with great intensity. Allen Stanton, a retired deputy who had been suffering many ailments for a considerable amount of time, passed away today at the UK Medical Center. Stanton had been battling these ailments for a considerable while.
There was a significant period of time that had passed since Stanton had been born. Since he had first started to fight against these illnesses, a significant amount of time had passed. It had been a significant amount of time since he had begun working toward the goal of overcoming his ailments. Deputy Stanton exhibited an unwavering commitment to serve Hardin County up until the point where he was forced to retire from his post due to illness. During this time, he kept his commitment to serving the county. At that time, he was employed by the county government in a position of responsibility. All things considered, Allen was a beautiful Christian man who placed his family at the top of his priority list in life.
She was the focal point of his entire world. He will always hold a unique and irreplaceable place in my heart as a result of the unwavering commitment he has shown to his family. He is someone I will never forget. Your thoughts should also be directed toward the rest of his family and friends, which includes his wife, children, step-son, mother, sister, and other members of his family. You should also focus your thoughts toward his friends. Your thoughts have to likewise be directed toward the people he is close with. To add insult to injury, I would want to make a plea that you remember his step-son in your prayers throughout this trying time.