MONROE, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — Charges against the Monroe woman accused of locking her boyfriend in a storage unit in Monroe have been dropped, court documents show.
On Feb. 24, a 911 call was placed from inside a locked storage unit from a man claiming his girlfriend, Robin Deaton, locked him inside for days with no food or water.
After officers were able to free him from the storage unit, he claimed that he and Deaton got into an argument where she had accused him of cheating on her. He originally said he got into the storage unit looking for a bottle of liquor when she allegedly said, “This is what you get mother f—–” and slammed the door, double-locking the unit.
The man said that his phone fell out of his pocket while he was searching for the bottle, and it took him days to find it again.
When Monroe detectives interviewed the man at the hospital, he repeated the same story.
Court documents show that on Feb. 25, the man said he told a detective that the charges against Deaton were based on lies and it was “blown out of proportion.” He claimed he fell asleep and woke up to the door being closed. When asked by detectives whether the original story was a lie, he responded, “if that’s what it takes to drop the charges, I lied.”
Deaton was arrested and charged with attempted murder and attempted kidnapping on Feb. 27.
The following day, after his interview with Queen City News, he recanted his statements he made saying, “They need to get their stuff right. It’s just a bunch of bogus charges. I mean she shouldn’t be up there charged with attempted murder, attempted kidnapping.” and “She did not lure me into the back of a unit for nothing. All this is just a bunch of bull crap.”
He says he has not been honest and lied to law enforcement, so it has “made it impossible for law enforcement and the District Attorney’s office to further pursue charges against Robin Deaton.”